Missouri's Largest Biodiesel Production Facility Announced:
ADM Press Release -- admworld.com -- April 26, 2005
MEXICO, MO -- Mid-America Biofuels, LLC, has announced plans to build Missouri's first major biodiesel production plant in Mexico, MO. Mid-America Biofuels, LLC is a joint venture of Biofuels, LLC, a farmer-owned biodiesel business based in Jefferson City, MO; Ray-Carroll County Grain Growers, Richmond, MO; and MFA Oil Company, Columbia, MO...
The facility will have a nameplate capacity of 30 million gallons of biodiesel production per year and will use soybean oil as feedstock.
Biodiesel demand is growing rapidly, and we believe Missouri is the right place to produce biodiesel and fill that demand, said Warren Stemme, St. Charles-county farmer and president of Mid-America Biofuels...
This is excellent news for growers, processors, our economy and our environment, said Paul B. Mulhollem, President and Chief Operating Officer of ADM. This project demonstrates how farmers and processors can partner for growth and success while also extending our nation's energy supply. We are pleased to leverage the extensive experience and tremendous success that ADM has had in the biodiesel market in Europe. The anticipated extension of federal support will serve as a vital catalyst to develop demand for biodiesel in the United States.”
Biodiesel, produced from renewable fats and oils such as soybean oil, works in any diesel engine with few or no modifications. It offers enhanced lubricity and octane, plus similar horsepower and torque when compared to petroleum diesel...