Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Group Promotes Community Based Renewable Power

Ontario Sustainable Energy Association:
Why Community Power?
In conventional energy systems, like that of Ontario, at least 75 cents of each energy dollar leaves the local economy. Community green power developments provide an excellent opportunity to help keep energy dollars at home while at the same time helping the environment by providing green power. Community green power projects can generate local jobs, favourable investment opportunities, benefits for local businesses, opportunities for education and greater capacity at the community level to bring about change.
People living locally know their communities best. An understanding of local environmental and economic issues is important in assessing the true costs of current sources of energy generation and opportunities for positive change. By participating in community power projects, momentum for change grows. The capacity of the community builds with new knowledge and networks form for future sustainable community projects.
Community power brings increased local control, knowledge and jobs while fuelling the local economy and creating opportunities for improving air quality in Ontario.

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