Sunday, August 07, 2005

Midwest Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Supports Biofuels

MSAWG, A coalition of sustainable agriculture, environmental, food, religious and rural organizations in the midwest, developed this position paper supporting sustainable agriculture for the production of biofuels, wind energy, and other farm energy options. These groups are convinced that biofuels can be part of the energy solution if farmed in a sustainable manner. These sustainable methods are already proven in food farming, and farming in general is growing progressively more energy efficient.
Midwest Sustainable Agriculture Working Group | Sustainable Energy Position Paper:
We envision a transformation of our energy system from a fossil and nuclear-based system to a renewable, clean system. Aging coal plants and nuclear plants will gradually be phased out in favor of wind, biomass, solar and other renewable technologies. In the coming years, biofuels will increasingly replace petroleum fuels. We also see hydrogen-based fuel cells powering our transportation network, virtually eliminating our current dependency on petroleum.
This clean energy transformation will drastically reduce air emissions, mitigate global warming impacts, and significantly improve public health and the environment. Energy crops will be grown in a way that improves soil quality and reduces the need for fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide applications.
The ownership of renewable generation technologies will be in the hands of multiple individuals and local entities, such as farmer cooperatives. But even under utility ownership, renewable energy projects will benefit local economies, such as through lease payments to farmers for wind turbines on their land. The scale of the renewable projects will be suitable for the local circumstances.

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