Friday, March 03, 2006

Ontario Home Equipped with Solar, Geoexchange Hybrid

We can add "geoexchange" to terms like annualized geothermal and passive annual heat storage. These are all ways to store the summer's heat in the ground for winter use and store winter's cold for summer use. Geoexchange hybrid is an active form of this technology, moving heat from solar collectors into the ground. These systems are the best way to cut down on fossil fuel use for heating and cooling buildings.-- Jeffrey Goettemoeller | Ontario Home Equipped with Solar, Geoexchange Hybrid:
"The systems gather heat using a loop extending through a central heat pump to solar panels on the home's roof (solar-thermal), and to a depth of 180 feet below ground level (geoexchange). During the winter months, the system transfers heat from the sun and the ground into the home and, during the summer months, heat in the home is transferred to the ground. "

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